
《The System》中提出了一個力量課表設計的重要原則:動作進階的路徑要由簡入繁。無論你是何種運動的教練,你可以先根據選手的位置、體型或其他變數來分組安排課表,但不管程度如何,剛開始訓練時你的課表和動作都應該「夠簡單」,等運動員訓練一段時間後對課表內容和動作都適應之後,才開始增加課表的難度和動作的複雜度。但什麼樣的動作叫「簡單」?什麼動作被歸為「複雜」?作者有明確的定義,分享如下:


  • 「簡單」動作的定義是指:一個穩定、左右對稱且負重平均的動作。
  • 「複雜」動作的定義則為:一個多關節參與、多種基本動作組成、單邊(單手或單腳)或爆發力動作。



當運動員已經能漂亮地完成簡單的動作時,就能開始換成較進階與複雜的動作。進階的方式可以是加大動作幅度、改成單手負重、減少支撐點或是跟其他的基本動作結合。也就是說,換動作時不一定是換另一個完全不一樣的動作,可以從已經熟悉的動作來調整。(作者建議每四週換一次動作) 從下面圖表 4.12 中你可以看到「上膊」和「推舉」這兩個動作的進階路徑,由左到右分正是從最簡單的動作逐漸增加動作的複雜度。




Our definition of “simple” is a movement that is stabilized, symmetrical, or performed with an even load. “Complex” means multi-joint, multi-movement, unilateral, or explosive movements.

The bench press is a relatively simple movement, while the split jerk and snatch are complex. The more complex or compound the movement, the more demand on the nervous system.

Once a simple movement can be per- formed well, you can advance your athletes to a more complex movement. You can achieve that simply by taking a simple exercise and performing it through a larger range of motion, unilaterally, removing support, or combining it with another movement. The change does not need to be a completely different movement.

In the continuum shown in Figure 4.12, you can see a natural progression of cleans and presses from the simplest form to more complex variations.


以上摘錄自《The System: Soviet Periodization Adapted for the American Strength Coach》原文書第 125 頁,若有發現翻譯不到位或有問題的地方,非常歡迎也希望各界指正!
